
Regarding your last sentence -- if she does happen to reflect on these events -- the only reason that she might feel regret is that she wrote about them -- which probably lessened her chances of being Trump's VP. That's most likely her only regret.

Thanks for reading the book and giving your synopsis. I'm not sure I could have gotten through it.

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Youre right. It would be regret based on self interest

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Consequence is something she seems to have little acquaintance with. Here’s to more, hopefully losing subsequent elections.

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Adam, thank you for your service and sacrifice in reading this book, and you’re right, now I don’t have to read it and can save the money for something worth reading - renewing my subscription to your Substack or updating to founding come to mind. Seriously, though, thank you for your courage and for continuing to say what must be said! Please continue to help save our country from the likes of DJT and his enablers who call themselves Republicans. Country First!

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Thank you! I appreciate the support.. Country first!

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She’s a psychopath in the making, how long would it be before she starts applying the same “logic” towards people she doesn’t like, or views as inconvenient? She’s showing us who she is, and we should believe her.

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You are so right! First step

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What you wrote sounds just like trumps immunity claim, he could kill a rival he didn't like, or while being a dictator do the same.

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I imagine that she has already applied the same "logic" towards the tribes within the state of SD. She has accused tribal authorities of being involved with drug cartels. Although there are lots of problems with drugs in the state, including on tribal lands, her accusations have been unsubstantiated. Thus, as of now 5 tribal governments have banned her from setting foot on tribal lands. Historically, her attitudes towards tribal citizens (most of whom vote for Dems.) appears to indicate that she may view them as being inconvenient.

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Absolutely right. Thank you for commenting.

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My hope (read also prayer) is her writing about these events will lead to her downfall. What a despicable human being.

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They all fall down. Eventually

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Neon’s retelling of killing animals should send her for mental evaluation rather than auditioning for the nation’s second highest office. Such psychopathic behaviors, constant lying, and allegations of adultery should have made her a pariah. Alas, in today’s right-winged media culture, she is treated as a rising star. Even with the roasting on Fox, she will come out of it fine. But in the world of Kristi Noem, we need Liz, Adam and Geoff Duncan.

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Noem needs to vanish and take Trump with her. Like Trump she is not held accountable for any of her actions. This is not a Republican Party. This is an unnecessary sideshow. The sooner it ends the better.

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She is mentally unfit to hold any office. I wouldn’t even let her work the drive thru at McD’s. She needs counseling.

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What's that say about the citizens of S. D.?

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I don’t know. How many know how to read?

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I know my aunt and uncle can - not sure about my 3 cousins?

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Any psychologically well balanced individual would certainly feel regret for killing a helpless animal -even if they felt that the act was justified (like ending the suffering of an elderly pet that's so ill that it's not going to recover). They certainly wouldn't feel so proud of the killing that they had to tell the world about it. Training a misbehaving puppy (or cat) requires patience, love and compassion. (I've trained my 2 cats to come when they are called by name, to walk outside on a leash and to stay off of the kitchen table and countertops.) Noem demonstrates that she possesses none of these traits when she shot her puppy. I'm no psychologist but to me her lack of regret for killing her puppy and billy goat, combined with her public pride for taking those actions, demonstrates her willingness to kill living things that don't fit her views. It's that "My Way or the Highway" mentality that defines Trump, Noem, MJT, and every other MAGA sycophant. Does anyone doubt that they would destroy democracy by taking away any freedom/right that doesn't fit their views? Does anyone doubt that they would imprison or kill anyone who stands in their way? I, for one, have no doubt! Country 1st, democracy for all! Vote Biden in November, if for no other reason than to save our democracy.

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Oh, and need I remind anyone of Marjorie Taylor Greene's campaign photo wielding an AR 15? Or Lauren Boebert's "Cordless Hole Puncher" T-shirt depicting an AR 15? MAGA is their name - Violence is their game.

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100% correct!!

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In my youth, the Republican party was mostly serious, dignified, and respectable. Now the party has become grotesque. How could this have happened? How can it be fixed?

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Put it down like the goat & Cricket?

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I’m am 1000% with you.

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Noem is my pick for trump's VP!! I think most Americans on the fence for president will not be able to vote for this animal killer! They would have to think what if she became the president!!

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Great idea!

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I'll make it nice and simple: She's a psychopathic POS and has no business being anywhere near the White House!! Just like her "Hero". What gets me is all these people who supposedly hate Government but want to take it over and take everything from it. Oh the irony!!!

Thank you Adam for putting yourself through reading that awful Book. Once again you show us you put Country first!! We are with you every step of the way!!! ❤️🇺🇸💙

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"At this moment, Noem might be reflecting on the regrettable events involving Cricket and the goat."

No, she doesn't regret the events...only that she bragged about them in her vile screed.

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I volunteer weekly at a no-kill animal shelter. There are hundreds of dogs, and the rare goat, that have been adopted through our shelter after attention and training to modify unacceptable behaviors. We understand that poor animal behavior is almost always the fault of the owner.

Patience and understanding are essential for all leadership roles. I guess there may be an exception in Trump world. Assassinate rivals, shoot demonstrators in the legs, and take a gun to someone on Fifth Avenue. We speculate as to Noem's exact parallel to Trump's behavior. Goats are extremely rare in Manhattan.

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My disdain for her&her ilk is beyond comprehension.

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She’s a waste of space. I suppose the only Karmic consolation is that she tanked herself and her career.

There isn’t an adjective in the English language to adequately describe how vile she is.

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Thank you for reading that for me Adam. I guess you can still hear the passage if you listen to the audiobook. I liked Mary Trump's book, which explains a lot about Donald.

So bizarre! You would think that a country as great as ours, we would have a few good contenders to represent us. I would vote for you, and I have a lot of respect for Liz Chaney (I would vote for her as well).

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I am pleased that you brought up the goat. My family raised goats and we had one of those aggressive, smelly billy goats. They are not pleasant to be around, but to kill one because they are aggressive and smell bad is absurd. We had a separate pen for him to keep everyone safe, we did not “hate” him or shoot him for doing what Billy goats do. It really bothers be that she put so much emphasis on how much she hated those animals. WTF? Why live on a farm if you hate the animals??

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