David, I agree that Citizens United sent us down the wrong path. If a candidate receives a campaign contribution from somebody who cannot vote for them, That is a bribe. Corporations cannot vote, so they should not be able to contribute one penny. The Dred Scott case in 1857 sent us down the wrong path. In the 1860's, it required a bloody civil war and three amendments (13,14,15) to correct the Supreme Court's mistake. What will the cost be this time?
If the MSM would do its job and Citizens United was overturned this would improve.
David, I agree that Citizens United sent us down the wrong path. If a candidate receives a campaign contribution from somebody who cannot vote for them, That is a bribe. Corporations cannot vote, so they should not be able to contribute one penny. The Dred Scott case in 1857 sent us down the wrong path. In the 1860's, it required a bloody civil war and three amendments (13,14,15) to correct the Supreme Court's mistake. What will the cost be this time?