Call me old fashioned (or even just old, since I'm currently 71), but when I was growing up, it was unthinkable to lie to get ahead. Get caught, and you could expect not only to be kicked out of your position, but also to lose all credibility going forward. The currency of lies, distortions, and misrepresentations that now passes for political discourse among some political folks, exacerbated by willful ignorance, stuns me every time I hear it. For media outlets like Fox to profit from knowingly disseminating such lies makes it all the worse.

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Good job. I still like biden. Yes, he is a politician but looking at past comments by Lindsay Graham and other Republicans who have said biden is a great parson, I know he is more genuine , and by his past personal interactions, some am sure for politics . Trump couldn't do it even if scripted. Geez. We have so lost what is important. I didn't agree with all the checks handed out during covid , because I didn't need them. But I cashed them. Then gave the money to people I know who were struggling. That to me is American. I am not a Christian. Never claim to be. I am a veteran who believes in the constitution with its flaws and issues but together we will get through hatred and division. Look inside your heart. Getting through being cynical is hard. Stepping back from social media is easy. Get a reliable fact based newspaper and demand truth from journalists. It's a start.

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Cathy I read this twice. I loved what you wrote. It's uplifting thank you

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Well, President Biden is not a serial sexual predator. That’s a plus on his side.

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Cathy, I'm thankful to you and Janine for your service. A sacrifice and belief that trump will never understand.

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I watched Senator Britt's speech. Have to say, I find it very hard to take seriously someone who claims to be "one the common people" while she speaks in front of what appears to be a Subzero refrigeration unit.

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The optics often don't work for a lot of these politicians that claim to be "one of common people". And yet, most sheeple don't pick up on that.

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I think the worst name you can call someone these days is not an s.o.b. or a p.o.s. but a MAGA Republican. That carries so much of the lying, dishonest, cult-like mindless hatred of decency, honesty and actual facts. It is disgusting.

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Uf I could press "like" 10 more times I would!

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Donald's example of disrespect, rudeness and discourtesy is a model, a license, for bad behavior. "Be Like Don" is a pre-requisite of Trump World. But this shitty behavior runs against the American social foundation: "treat the other guy like you want to be treated". Don's example doesn't work in the real world. 99% of Americans treat each other fairly and respectfully. Don's example is bound to fail. The responsible adults (Press, honorable leaders, rational citizens) just have to say ENOUGH and shut him down.

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I am sorry to have to say it, but the system is broken. So many do not care about facts, only about what they can get the masses to believe. It almost feels like it is a game to them. Who can make the masses believe the biggest lie. Trump currently holds that title in the USA, but those like Jordan, Gaetz, and MTG are right behind Trump.

It has come down to these politicians and the rich walking on the back of the American People without care of who they hurt, who suffers, or even who dies. They treat the lower and middle classes like livestock. Like cattle trained to follow the cow wearing the bell even if it is off the edge of a cliff.

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You are so right. They tell the lies to the masses and its like first impressions...you never forget it. People believe it and whether it's a lie or not and its very hard ro walk that back once it's out.

That is what the GOP is doing

They say anything and muck everything up with a lie so the truth is harder to find

Or even denied.

We have to find a way be several steps ahead of them.

To keep denouncing the lies and never back down is a forward direction I feel many of us are moving in.

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Both you and Mac are spot on!

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Great analogy!

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If the MSM would do its job and Citizens United was overturned this would improve.

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David, I agree that Citizens United sent us down the wrong path. If a candidate receives a campaign contribution from somebody who cannot vote for them, That is a bribe. Corporations cannot vote, so they should not be able to contribute one penny. The Dred Scott case in 1857 sent us down the wrong path. In the 1860's, it required a bloody civil war and three amendments (13,14,15) to correct the Supreme Court's mistake. What will the cost be this time? 

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Seems a big problem is that normal, decent people who just want to sit down with others and enjoy a beer don't run for office because politics is so toxic and unpleasant. So we get stuck with the ideologs and power hungry. We are on a very bad trajectory. People of good faith need to get more involved. Thank you Adam and Country First for your efforts to restore decency and engagement in politics.

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The more outward and obvious your religion and political beliefs, the less I take you seriously. Wearing a cross while harshly disparaging another person in public is classic. No wonder our children and stressed and depressed, bad examples and hypocrisy are rampant. GQP is the party of Alternative Facts and we must remain vigilant to counter their reach.

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The Republicans are desperate to garner the white suburban women’s vote and as a result, chose, in their mind, the best they have to offer to appeal to that segment. It backfired, in my opinion, as I cringed watching Britt’s “performance”, thinking how could anyone take this seriously. Politicians are not the only ones who bend the facts, embellish the truth and otherwise try to spin words to their advantage. Employers do it, employees do it, ordinary citizens who try to talk their way out of a speeding ticket do it, spouses attempting to cover up cheating do it. For those who practice this, I wonder if they accept this lying from their children? Do they not instill the importance of honesty from them? Most parents are livid if their kids lie to them. I know I lied to my parents as a teenager. But as I matured into adulthood I realized I needed to be able to look at myself in the mirror everyday be satisfied with who was looking back.

This is truth bending so prevalent today and I think people stopped being honest with themselves first, which makes it easier to lie to others.

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Let’s hope that the majority of suburban women understand that Katie Britt’s chosen Leader is a repeat sexual predator.

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First of all, Adam, I feel your pain as you look at what has happened to your party. I had many of the same feelings in 1968 (probably before you were born) and again in 1980. It is painful and takes a long time to heal from it. Keep praying, hoping, and fighting, Adam. You are young enough that you will live to see your party return in the same way that I saw my party become the party it should have been all along. I am starting to see some signs that my party is not always living up to expectations, and believe me I am doing everything I can to make sure we don’t backslide. I also see glimmers of hope that your party will once again be respected party and that both parties will one day be parties willing to govern as worthy and respected opponents, differing not in the object of their mission, but in the execution. That will take more people of integrity, courage, and character, like you, and fewer Katie Britt’s and Mike Johnson’s. Meanwhile, Adam, know that although I am the poster child for a “bleeding heart, pinko liberal,” I can still respect your point of view, and join you in praying and hoping.

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I was interested in your reference to receiving pithy "talking points" from the party leadership. I have the impression, probably from Jon Stewart's old Daily Show clips, that VP Cheney was instrumental in establishing orchestrated soundbites in unison from all GOP folks worth interviewing. I am glad you found it disappointing that the email "talking points" did not provide enough depth for someone to continue a conversation about an issue once the pity soundbite has been dispensed. I admire your willingness to bring your brain to bear on policy issues.

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Does a leader act like they believe in the Golden Rule? If not, find a replacement. Do they intentionally lie? If so, never trust them and vote for someone else.

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While watching Katie's speech, I thought I was watching an old " Donna Reed" episode!

Very discouraging when I hear other speeches with lies and untruths, and know many Americans believe them.

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I have been saying the same thing since 2015 before the 2016 election...character matters! Being honest is at the top of the list of good character. I am not niave, I know politics can be shady but I expect those in state legislatures and in DC to work to put truth first. I am extremely disappointed in the GOP. How far they gone from having good character.

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It's shocking and disheartening that the "torrent of lies" strategy which Trump has perfected is actually more effective politically than the occasional liberty taken with the truth. You would think that pathological lying would be an obvious disqualifier for the electorate. Instead it is now being adopted by the whole maga ecosystem including an entire political party. The only hope to bring this deplorable trend under control is a thorough repudiation of trumpism at the polls in November - up and down the ballot. Thank you Adam, for being a leader in trying to get us back to some semblance of a truth based system.

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