I keep hearing Jim Jordan's name being thrown around as a replacement, and it scares the shit outta me.

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Jordan is dangerous. He’s mean and power hungry.

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Please God, no.

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And I fear that today's MAGA Party has simply decided to abandon democracy.

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I think we are already there.

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Horrifyingly, you may be right.

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Agreed...America deserves FAR better!! And, it's my opinion that all of this chaos will have a silver lining eventually (and hopefully sooner than later.) In the wake of chaos the rough water smooths out and calm waters return. Sometimes people need to see the disfunction and things needed to crumble so that they can be rebuilt better. It is my hope that integrity and truth prevail.

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I share your hope for "integrity and truth to prevail." And I attempt to further that goal by supporting centrist candidates, and particularly those who are neither Democrats or Republicans because of the way that most of them support the "party line" once they are elected.

To his great credit, Adam Kinzinger departed from that party "loyalty" -- and look how the Republican RHINOS treated him.

BTW, RHINOS = Rational Humans In Name Only.

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No fan of MyKevin but the GOP is in such disarray and doesn’t appear that it will get any better anytime soon. Democracy is at stake. Country before party. Always.

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Out of the frying pan and into the fire!

I watched the whole thing. When they voted orally the “no’s” were way louder than the yeses. But when they did roll call the yeses won.

I know McCarthy isn’t great...but when push came to shove he did the right thing for the country even tho it meant his job!

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McCarthy is the one who gave Matty and the whackos the power that they have. He HAD to to get the votes. Matty wanted the power for ONE person to be able to call a vote to dump the speaker, now PLEASE, why did Kevin thing he wanted that. Matty said why on CNN Sunday. He was asked what if the Democrats supported Kevin and his answer was , (NOT exact quote), so I don't know what kind of deal Kevin may work out with the Democrats but then I won't own him anymore, the Democrats will own him.

I don't know about you, but I think that pretty much wraps it up. Now there is NO plan on how to go forward, the House is adjourned for a week and here we are. Ain't it grand.

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The people who gave "Matty" (by whom I suppose you mean Matt Gaetz) the "power that they have" were the voters in his Congressional District. That is in the western part of the "panhandle" of Florida that is highly conservative based on a combination of former Dixiecrat rednecks (who I regard as "deplorables') and active and retired members of the armed forces (of which I am one and generally respect). As a centrist independent, I think that most members of both parties are -- to put it most politely -- ideologues who put party above country. But given that reality, I think that Kevin McCarthy is the most "balanced" Speaker that might reasonably be expected at this time, given the polarization between the extremes.

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Point taken but as far as his ouster, Kevin changed the rules and he had to know the hold Matt, MTG and others would have over him. God forbid Kevin should try to keep the government running.

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Fingers crossed there's a sane leader in the bunch to bring us back to balance. It's hard to believe the Democrats voted with the wack a doodles...

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I think the Democrats are gambling. There really was no reason they should keep Kevin, he's not to be trusted. You saw that in the first week after Jan 6 how he just turned on a dime. If HE hadn't made the deal with Matty ,to get the this position by allowing ONE person to start this mess to vacate the chair, HE would probably still be Speaker.

He had a deal with Biden on the budget and then he went back on it to appease the whacko crowd. Well he also had a deal with the whacko crowd that he would NOT work with Democrats. So how does that all work? The ONLY truth Matty has spoken in his nasty little like is that Kevin McCarthy cannot be trusted. Oy!!

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If the Rs want sane governance, they can throw a few votes to Jeffries. Oh? That’s completely unreasonable?

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I wish the Democrats would aggressively sell this idea. The Rs would still have their majority, but the extremists would be powerless.

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The Maga’s won’t vote for a sane leader!

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Not Matt Garth hopefully!

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