Well, if history serves - the Repubs tend to find a way to blame everything bad on a Dem policy, and take credit for anything good for which only Dems are responsible. For example, Trump took credit for the Obama economy which carried over to his first term. Now he will take credit for any benefit from Biden's economic policies. I hope t…
Well, if history serves - the Repubs tend to find a way to blame everything bad on a Dem policy, and take credit for anything good for which only Dems are responsible. For example, Trump took credit for the Obama economy which carried over to his first term. Now he will take credit for any benefit from Biden's economic policies. I hope that all of this in out in the open, in a way that the average American can understand, before mid-terms.
Well, if history serves - the Repubs tend to find a way to blame everything bad on a Dem policy, and take credit for anything good for which only Dems are responsible. For example, Trump took credit for the Obama economy which carried over to his first term. Now he will take credit for any benefit from Biden's economic policies. I hope that all of this in out in the open, in a way that the average American can understand, before mid-terms.