Adam, just took my first deep breath and am actually crying after reading this. Your courage and reason are a beacon for the rest of us. Thank you. We are here to fight the good fight with you.

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Just what I needed too.

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Amen to that!

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Thank you, Adam, for these powerful words that are helping me to feel more hopeful this morning. I am grateful for all you have done and continue to do to preserve our democracy.

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You bet

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You have no idea the strength that your decency and bravery has given me. It helps me feel safer knowing there actually are people like you in the world. This is not hyperbole…you are a true Patriot! May God bless and keep you, your family and this country.

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Adam, Ms Angie has expressed exactly how we feel as well. We could not stay hopeful without your action out there. We live in a county represented by your friend Sam. We have seen intelligent, educated Republicans stay quiet because their uneducated radical peers display dominance. Then no one speaks out. We are an island unto ourselves, only invited on to the island of progressive liberals fun the local university. An uncomfortable alliance and yet pro democracy moves us to be as outspoken as they all are. You are the I pray your connections in Washington keep the quiet ones level headed.

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What Robin said!!

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Btw, I will be very curious how your Buddy Sam will handle the crazy ideas of RFKjr without installing regulations in the USDA. Seems counter productive to vote for policies like that.

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It's looking like RFK jr won't be getting that appointment he was promised 3 days ago.

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Whoa, not surprising. Grooming.

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I sure hope not.

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And Tulsi?

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Well put, Adam. And many, many us have your back. I’m thinking of the next four years as an opportunity to let the fever build and break. It will hurt a great many people, but mostly those who thought a narcissistic, incompetent imbecile could “fix it”. Because we all know he doesn’t give a tinker’s dam about ordinary people, however misguided they currently are.

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Two years. We must insist on midterm elections in 2026 where we retake the Senate & House.

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When I read "WE"-- I don't see that just as democrat's, but AMERICANS.


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Ed i agree 💯 we The United States Of America and are UNITED as Americans!!!!

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Maybe, they will join us in our stand for Democracy then?

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Nah. They will just vote their feelings again (“the economy sucks!! I got left out!”) and vote to let democrats fix things (again) - and the cycle will begin anew. But maybe people will understand tariffs a bit better, get that they’ve been lied to, and want their social security and Obamacare back.

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Yes, thank you Adam. This gives me hope. And I see others also who have begun to speak out: Jamie Raskin, Eric Swalwell. Gavin Newsome. Hopefully more will speak and perhaps make common cause to "trump-proof" the Army and Justice Department in the next months. Keep the faith!

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Yes - I signed up for Gavin’s call tonight. When we fight, we win - and as Kamala said ‘the fight is just a little longer.’

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Thank You Adam. I am glad I found you here after ditching X (cesspool) after the election. You will have my continued support. In fact I am increasing the support.

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Youre the best!

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Country First!

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I ditched X 3 weeks ago, due to Elon. I’m glad many of us are discovering this now.

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So did I, and I got off of anything that indicates any part of Musk.

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100% Gryffindor you are….protecting the maligned, you stare evil in the face with no hesitation. Thank you for modeling the courage we all need to feel in this moment

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Its just seeing it for what it is, donald is just a scared trembling boy

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But watch your 6, Adam! There are obviously more slime balls out there than we realized, and they’re armed….

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Adam, you nailed it. Trump is a coward. He covers it up by bullying and using disgusting language and remarks.

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When you start fundraising for your presidential bid, let me know.

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Assuming we have elections again, sign me up too. You'll be the first republican I've ever voted for.

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Same here

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and me

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Adam You MUST run for President You MUST

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I as well. You for sure have my vote.

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He can try, but dictators or dictator-wannabees generally don't have very good retirement plans.

I am convinced that one good pop in the snotlocker 60-odd years ago would have adjusted his attitude tremendously.

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Only problem is that never happened and every day he is more emboldened.

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"Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face."-Mike Tyson

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Please be careful. Trump is in power now, and was handed a mandate by the American voters. His ability to retaliate against his perceived enemies has expanded substantially. Right now now, all non-Trumpists should begin quietly preparing for 2026 to weaken his hold(and it won’t take long for the abject stupidity of Trump’s policies to be evident). And for 2028 when we can remove the trumpstain from our national discourse.There will be no disappointment like MAGA disappointment when their jobs evaporate, prices remain high, tariffs increase the prices of everything from food to clothing to car parts. Voter apathy got us here, voter action can move us forward.

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True. We will gain not lose allies in the battles to come. In addition to being a coward, and in spite of winning this battle in a larger war for our nation’s soul, Trump is an incompetent loser. His economic “plan,” even if only partially implemented, will cause immediate harm, especially to many of the people who voted for him. MAGA conquered vast amounts of the information ecosystem but will not be able to change the reality of higher prices due to tariffs, etc. The ugliness that we all know is at the heart of Trumpism will be more and more obvious as his second term proceeds. Keep the faith and keep fighting.

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One of our greatest challenges entails finding effective ways to get our information out to the very voters who are putting 45* back in office. The volume of dissinformation flooding their airwaves/screens from Musk, Murdoch, and their ilk seriously complicates bringing the truth to their attention. If we can't figure out that part, we'll back to another wash, rinse, repeat.

Musk in particular alarms the bejeebers out of me. The man is bonkers.

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Me too. Trump and his followers deal in lies. I must find a way to bring back truth.

What saddens me most is the way our fellow citizens were so easily misled

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Were his supporters misled, or did they hear exactly what the wanted to hear and bought in? Some of his actions and statements were so absurd that believing them to be truths would require the mind of a four year old. Oh wait!

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I think that they allowed themselves be misled. As evidenced by most of them saying "That's just the way he talks. He won't actually do that" or "I don't think it will be that bad" when they are questioned about his more absurd actions, positions and statements.

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Only the possible pain he creates will cause them to question their support for him and start to seek truth.

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Good point. However as trump implemets his mass deportations, his tariffs, his elimination of the Department of Education, and all of his other maga agendas, the truth will become painfully self evident to even his supporters. No amount of misinformation from any source will be able to dispute the reality (truth) that Americans will feel. To quote Jesus per John 8:32 "And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." We are soon to be engulfed in darkness, but we must remember that there is a "light at the end of the tunnel", or as Kamala said (paraphrasing) 'in the darkest of night look up and you will see a million shining stars. Never stop reaching for the stars'. I truly believe that the truth will, in fact, become self-evident and set us free from trumpism.

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Except that right-wing outlets tend not to report these events at all. Instead of disinformation in such cases, their audiences get crickets.

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True. But the pain they experience in their daily lives as a result of his policies will result in them questioning why they get crickets from their information sources instead of any coverage that explains their pain.

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Well, if history serves - the Repubs tend to find a way to blame everything bad on a Dem policy, and take credit for anything good for which only Dems are responsible. For example, Trump took credit for the Obama economy which carried over to his first term. Now he will take credit for any benefit from Biden's economic policies. I hope that all of this in out in the open, in a way that the average American can understand, before mid-terms.

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And those misinformation sources (Fox, Newsmax, Truth Social, X, et al) will see a rapid decline in followers and will have to either reform or be relegated to the trash heap of history.

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Richard I so hope your evaluation is correct. His supportive media, both cable and X will spin everything to his advantage, and truth does not even enter into it, There has to be a counter communication method. We did not and do not have it in place.

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I've been wrong before and it could happen again. As for a counter communication method,

I'm not sure his supporters would even take a look at it. That's not to say that it isn't worth a try. I still think that trump's worst enemy is himself. If he creates enough misery for the general population, his supporters will abandon him and look for candidates who will actually try to address their concerns.

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And when prices go up in the grocery store because all the field hands got deported, Faux, et al will blame it on the weather, which they’re already saying the Dems control - and will cover their a$$es about climate change disasters, too.

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What dictators do is find scapegoats, they never ever accept responsibility, always someone else’s fault!

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Which has done his whole life according to many of his family members. He has no introspection at all, none.

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Same with their followers.

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Absolutely. And one can easily see this trait in all of the elected Republicans who ardently support trump.

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Narcissists are prone to playing victim. Who will Trump have to complain about when the MAGA GOP has control of Congress? Who is left for him to blame when his supporters complain?

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Just waiting for him--post inauguration--to start taking credit for all the benefits deriving from Biden's investments in the country. Question is, will he be stupid enough to try to kill them, or leave them alone? After all, look at all the Republicans who voted against these investments and then took credit for the ensuing benefits.

I regularly wonder if the parents of these people taught them to lie, cheat, steal, and bully others as the way to be successful. Is this what they teach their own kids?

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I agree Linda, he'll take credit for Biden's economy after inauguration.

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Linda, Exactly! Thank you.

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If the Biden initiative has been positive, he will claim it. If it is controversial or weak, he will blame Joe. He showed his approach with Obama's work.

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I wish I could agree with this, but the evidence before me says his supporters would happily accept a lower standard of living if it meant their man stays on top. If prices are a problem, they will never ever ever blame anyone but their foils. I think zillions of them never even cared about prices in the first place. Saying that they did was just the most acceptable, if illogical, reason they felt comfortable using in public.

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No mandate., just a predictable cult following. There is zero value in anticipating or fearing retaliation.

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Thank you Adam! Your bravery is inspiring and an example to me.

Something I personally have decided to do is to put the money and energy I was putting towards electing Kamala to other causes. I donated to a Ukrainian charity, Country First, and others. It’s a small thing that makes me feel like I’m doing something. That helps.

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Your ability to see through all the noise and distractions helped many see the right priorities unrelated to bloated statements of policy goals and division. True leaders will emerge after the Trump honeymoon wains, and you will be there leading us forward. Thanks Adam for the fighting the battle and the war.

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Thanks Adam. Well said. Those of us that may have little time left in this world, may not get to see his takedown, but I truly believe this will happen. Hopefully sooner rather than later!

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Kathy S: This is the exceptional part of the human spirit that is so touching … caring for the future that we may not be part of. Hopefully we will all live to see the day of reckoning for the entire MAGA movement and DJT in particular.

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I, a 72 year old man, am absolutely determined to live long enough to see his takedown! Like Simeon, in Luke 2:25-35, if I am alive when that day comes, I will say "Lord, now let your servant depart in peace, according to your word; for my eyes have seen your salvation..."

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Thank you for your honesty and bravery. You are the kind of leader we need right now. Trump is a blowhard and the current bunch of Republicans in Congress are unable to govern, but this is what we must deal with for now. I want you to know that we have your back and are here to help anyway we can- just say the word.

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But now that the orange man-baby is in the WH and republicans control both houses, they will start passing a flurry of laws specifically tailored to donOLD’s desires and demands. Then they’ll brag about how much they’re getting done and how they’re moving the country forward, all the while eroding everyone’s rights and freedoms behind our backs.

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Yep. The only thing giving me solace is their inability to govern…wait till the infighting starts. Having said that, I am prepared to fight and stand with people like Adam to protect our freedom. And if Trump goes after Adam, we need to be there for him- whatever that takes.

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Eventually even the most fervent of his supporters will feel the pain of what he's done and begin to fall away from supporting him an trumpism.

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Agreed, and it's only through the pain effecting their lives personally that they see who he really is.

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From what I've observed, Steven Miller creates programs that are obviously meant to be cruel (manners of deportation). He is not afraid to take the credit for what he proposes. JD Vance will use his intellect to gaslight (obscure and not take credit/blame) while trying to convince Americans he is working for their best interests. These are just two of Trump's many minions working on his behalf to give him cover.

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Yes, dump is a yellow bellied coward but like any mafia don, he’ll have enforcers who will be thrilled to do his dirty work for him just as Shitler had his jackbooted thugs in the SS. This will get bloody ugly and you Adam are just one name on his list and you live in Texas. There will be no bunker strong enough against the determined.

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Trump is a joke!! He is always putting his foot in his mouth. I don’t think HE even knows what he is talking about.

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