Adam, it is my prayer also. I know of many otherwise sensible people (not all seniors such as myself) who are drug along by the constant MAGA drama. I was in the 5th grade in 1960. I did not care what the schoolyard bully said about me or who he was going to beat up next. I knew even then that the bully act was just that. An act to cover up the hurt inside of him.

I had enough interest in politics to watch the Nixon and JFK debates. Nixon looked dirty and desperate, sadly. Like the 1950s did in general. When JFK won, the whole world burst into living color. For a short time, there was joy and enthusiasm in most peoples.

Trump has empowered all the other fascists in the world and the defective here. He holds us all hostage in a world like the 50s.

I repeat that I hope to live to see the color come back into the world. I hope to see freedom's children live lives of happiness and security.

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Well I can say with all seriousness that a year or so before Mike Lindell teamed up w/ the Dumpster I was looking for a new pillow and I actually succumbed and bought the "my pillow" and it was just awful. So you also have a lot of seniors who are also suffering from a lack of sleep using that thing to toss their support Mike's way. No sleep makes me angry too! Seriously, that pillow is elder abuse and just plain abuse. Have a good one. Stay safe.

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That would be us; my husband and I have lived through so many tough times as America was growing. And now this, and watching the destruction of the Democratic process that was in place to keep the wheels turning, is now on the verge of destruction is breaking our hearts.

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Adam this was so well said. I must admit I am losing faith. Unless there is a major effort to spend large dollars to reach the large Fox media audience the possibility of a Trump victory makes me fear we could see the end of the country I love. I worked with members of Congress and their staffs on healthcare issues before retirement and found cooperation between both parties. I am thankful I don’t have to do that now. Trump has caused more harm damage than any foreign advisory ever could.

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As someone who has been retired for 5 years now, I can attest to the grifting of seniors by everyone and anyone maga. I get anywhere from a minimum of one to at least 3 texts every day of the week from Trump, Don Jr, Lara, Kevin McCarthy (although not since he left the House), Scalise and many other maggats. I have NEVER given a penny to any of them and never will. I don't know how they got my phone number, although as a registered Republican I suspect they got it from the local County Clerk's office. I report every one of these texts as spam and block every number that originates them. I currently have about 350 numbers on my blocked number list. Thankfully I have enough functioning brain cells to avoid the grift. How many other seniors are swindled by the maga BS? It's a real problem... Especially if the victims of this Trump's BS vote for him in November.

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My parents passed away last fall and unfortunately took this dogma to their grave. Outliving their life's savings and left frightened, blaming minorities for their plight. The same politicians and their news medias that advance their ridiculous theories also took away unions that in the past, provided a decent pension for seniors. More importantly, they took their identities from the previously proud blue-collar professions. Hard work, honesty and American ideals tossed away like old furniture. Now this generation is left with nothing but fear and loathing. Worse, they are also a powerful voting bloc, wasting their votes on politicians that use them for financial gain at their loss.

Adam, keep up the good work, it's great to see a fellow ISU grade so prominent as a thought leader! Fred ISU '82

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My father-in-law is as laid back as they get so I was surprised when, at a family birthday party, he started spewing Fox News garbage. I went back at him, and it's never come up again, but Fox News is brain poison and Rupert Murdoch is an enemy of the state.

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When I watch Trump rallies, I see masses of people, young and old, who rejoice in the racism, xenophobia, misogyny, homophobia, cruelty, and anti-semitism of their leader. They’ve been forced by polite society to keep their prejudices under wraps until now, when Donald J Trump has made it politically correct for them to proudly fly their hate. The very idea of anyone who is not a white evangelical living a good life with equality and dignity, makes spittle fly from their snarling lips. They cheer when Trump calls immigrants “animals”( as a person with immigrant grandparents I find this one particularly offensive). They cheer when he mocks the disabled. They go wild for the idea of hating their fellow Americans for having a different worldview. It is not a function of being old, it is a function of being under-educated and overly prejudiced that makes these folks what they are. And the current attacks on are educational system guarantee that this ignorance will be perpetuated. Someday, Donald J Trump will be gone, but the hatred will live on. Principled Conservatives and Republicans can help reverse the tide, if they will. Thanks, Adam, for being a voice for reason.

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All of this is very true Adam!!I have very very angry 😡 relatives who are MAGA Republicans and Trumpie makes it worse with all the hateful things he says !!!He and his Maga clan don’t make things better!!We need to make sure Don the Orange 🍊 Con stays out of the White House!!!💙💙💙!!!

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Thanks for bringing up this very important and insightful perspective -- one that is often overlooked. When my elderly mother was still alive, she was bombarded almost daily by mailings from organizations begging for donations. They did a great job of presenting photos and narratives that tore at one's heart -- almost guilting someone in making a donation. And don't get me wrong -- many organizations are very worthy of receiving financial support. But many are not -- and they are experts at knowing how to siphon money from the elderly, under the guise of providing a better world for future generations.

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I have 2 thoughts:

1. Hate and anger seem to be a drug that people get addicted to. Someone has probably studied this, but it must initiate a chemical response in the body that is addicting.

2. I think for thousands of years, humans have had legitimate "big" things to be scared of. If you didn't store up enough food and firewood for the winter, you and your family could literally die. Natural predators (lions, tigers, bears). Human predators (other tribes, other countries, etc). You could die from a simple infection like a tooth infection.

Today we don't have many real problems that are life and death, but through 1000's of years of evolution, we are conditioned to have something to be scared of. Our politicians and media are tapping into this.

Growing up in the 70's and 80's, there was basically one hours worth of news you could watch. There was 30 minutes of local news and there was 30 minutes of the national news (Cronkite, Rather, Jennings, etc).

Then the 24 hour news network came around and they needed people to watch more. Most of waht is on CNN, FOX, Newsmax, etc. is not news, it's editorial and it's taping in the the anger and rage element to get eyes on the screen for much longer.

At least the newspapers used to clearly label the editorial section. The actual news section was governed by standards such as fact checking, multiple sources, etc.

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Adam thank you. This describes my 92 yr old newsmax-addicted mother to a ‘T’. My favorite line of yours: “governance is all about one thing: living together as very different people as best we can”. Thank you.

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Yup …gotta call the sociopaths out … don’t be afraid of the rage &don’t counter-aggress just call them out, expose them &hold them to account at *every* opportunity … certainly legally when it applies but also interpersonally &socially. They require boundaries &tethering to meaningful consequences. Take their money, their status, their power … it’s all they care about. Bankrupt them, isolate them, put them behind bars when they break the law. Enough is enough already.

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I could not talk to my father very much in his last days due to Maga. You described the situation perfectly. I thought the old man was smarter than that. At the start of trumpism I could live with it. It just became worse with time & each visit was not fun. Knowing the old man had cancer, the end was coming and both the cancer and Maga were destroying his body and mind. He passes in Dec 2022 believing the BS. It's a terrible thing to watch. I'd pick cancer over trumpism any day.

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Adam that is so true. I can't understand why people are so angry. I don't watch Fox News or NewsMax or MSNBC or NBC or ABC or actually any TV news. Get most of my news from news papers, magazines and people like you. When I hear the way people describe schools, I'm appalled. I know teachers. My son is a teacher. Those things they are saying that are happening in publuc schools are not happening. No wonder maniacs go into school and shoot kids. Why do these people who say they want to protect kids doing everything they can to harm them?

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Thank you Adam for bringing up Fox News!My mother watches it all the time-So do my other relatives from Nebraska!It’s very enjoying to have to listen to them spew their hatred towards other people!!They do seem angrier than they should.I don’t believe stations like Fox are helping!!!

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