You are a gentleman, so I will say it for you. To quote Bill Maher, “Trump is a whiny little bitch!” With apologies to all the bitches (canine variety).

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Once again, clear and rational analysis. I agree with you, but think that he should be removed from the ballot and the Constitution upheld. Trump and his political supporters pose a clear threat to democracy, and they aided him in Jan 6th. Including Jackson and Jordan being removed under the 14th.

There is still time for you to answer the call and step up as the best candidate. I know from your history that you can work with any rational, honest person. Take Jamie Raskin as your partner, and I would not be surprised if Biden steps back and supports you at that point. I do.

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Excellent suggestion. I can think of a few other very good candidates (Republicans Flake or Cheney, Democrats California Governor Gavin Newsom or Michigan's Governor Witmer) that would go a VERY LONG way in bringing excellent youthful leadership into the executive branch. That it could possibly be bi-partisan would be frosting on the cake, a cake we sorely need.

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“I’m detecting a pattern here.  And if he loses in 2024 – you can be sure he will yet again say it was because of fraud and his long tired and shameless story will sadly be believed by many.”

Which is exactly why he should be disqualified from the ballot for 2024. No need to give him another “bite” at the Apple. If (when) he loses (again) he will do a rinse and repeat (on steroids this time) of the 2020 election.

He will accept no result except a win. No matter whether it is legitimate... or torn from American representative democracy.

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I agree he should not be on the ballot. We’re still finding out, just this week, more shenanigans he and supporters tried to pull to stay in power. And I think we still don’t know all of it. He does not deserve another shot at the White House.

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And if he should win, he is not interested in governing for the American people. He plans on settling grievances and dismantling the government. Why would anyone vote for that?!

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Yes Adam,

It's timely to point out that in 2020, the strongest executive in the free world with all the law enforcement tools at his disposal, predicted an election would be stolen right out from under him, asserts it was stolen by massive fraud which he did nothing to stop, and says the solution is to put him back in power to stop such things: Talk about a circular firing squad of "logic"...

So I am the sheriff and there is going to be a jail break under my watch and there was a jail break under my watch and the solution is to make me sheriff again....

This is the carnival barker who was taught and believes that if you keep repeating a BIG FAT LIE long enough and loud enough and often enough, people will believe it. I have heard people say, "Don't confuse me with the facts, I know what I think." That is pretty much where the 2024 Trump supporters start each day.

Those who say his criminal conduct to overturn the 2020 election should not be handled by the courts and the Department of Justice but rather by the ballot, seem to forget that we already tried that and when that doesn't go well for him, he just hits "replay" and wants to start the whole game over again. That is not how it works anywhere except in the very dangerous and warped mind of the patron saint of victimhood and entitlement.

When Founder Ben Franklin, was asked, ""What kind of government have you given us?"" he replied, ""A democracy, if you can keep it.

2024 will tell: All hands on deck, lovers of our democracy! We shall overcome.

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Your mentioning Jimmy Carter and Donald Trump in the same paragraph just about put me off. Jimmy Carter was perhaps the best President we had during my lifetime; Joe Biden may take that place if he can get his loyalty to Israel under control.

Other than the above mentioned this was an excellent summation of who Donald Trump was and always will be, a rather incompetent liar and fraud. Which again leads me to believe that honest, empathetic Republican leaders could rather quickly remove his stain from future Republican actions. The only question is, "When will honest, empathetic Republican leadership re-surface?"

When will the likes of Adam Kinzinger step back into the ring?

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This so called paradox is really very simple, and I believe it comes down to what really motivates both Trump and his supporters--that life is unfair, particularly for them, and if/when they don’t get their way it is always someone else’s fault (deep state, immigrants, Jews, take your pick). The lack of self reflection, awareness, and personal responsibility is what makes these folks MAGA, and what makes them decidedly NOT traditional republicans. There are no policy arguments to be made because they have no policies. It is a blame based, hate filled, poor me platform that has no desire to lead but every desire to rule. This is because they think (know?) that the only way they can succeed is by destroying others. Is this dark and cynical? You bet. It also rings very true for me.

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The constant victimhood and whining. You are right. These are not the actions of a super human.

His followers do the same and filled with hate and anger towards the other.

According to Psychology Today, you can't reason with unreasonable people. Unreasonable people often don't care, and their response can make you more upset. Some say that you should keep communication fact-based and use minimal details.

Most people try to reason with irrational people in the hope that they will snap out of it. This doesn't work. Irrational thoughts and behavior stem from a misalignment of the brain that makes people unable to respond to facts or logic.

I have given the stress and hatred of this cult a lot of consideration this past week. Doctors tell us that stress will lead to health issues and in many cases death. Effects like digestive problems, headaches, muscle tension and pain; with more life threatening effects like heart disease, heart attack, high blood pressure and stroke. I think these people must feel bad, not only in their constant anger, but in how they physically feel. It HAS to be taking a toll on them. If I was a doctor looking for study grant money, I would propose a long term health study of maga cultists.

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I feel like honest, good people who do not want him as president again may have experienced more stress and the other health conditions you mentioned equally as much or more as his cult followers. Watching January 6 unfold literally made me physically sick. Just as 9/11 did. I can remember every detail of both of those days, they’re etched in my memory.

His constant b.s. between his non-stop commitment to Twitter, the way in which he handled Covid, calling in military when there were peaceful protests, his constant put downs of anyone he disagreed with, his inability to accept any responsibility for anything. I could go on. He is a sociopath, liar and a vampire.

I hate that he is the narrative for American children. What does it teach any American that he should be afforded the honor to run for president again?

If states do not keep him off the ballot, what precedent does that set for anything remotely like this in the future? He makes me sick and I have never voted for him or followed him & I am a registered R. It blows my mind that many people can’t see him for who he is. He is telling us loud and clear & always has. Meanwhile, we talk about it & think about it and consider what is constitutional and fair in the treatment of him and whether he is or isn’t an insurrectionist. What more do we need to hear him say? What more do we need to see him do? At what point do we stop this person? At what point is he responsible for himself ? So if any doctors get grant money to study MAGA, they might also want to study Americans who he has walked all over & caused violence and lied to, people like us who want peace and an honest government. People who are honestly just trying to live and get through each day and enjoy their life. I’m tired of the drama he causes and being concerned about whether he will ever be held accountable like the hundreds of people who did his bidding on 1/6.

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Thanks for another insightful posting... and your final paragraph sums it up very well. It still amazes me that people fall for all these excuses... over and over and over again. There is ALWAYS an excuse from him. In any other job, co-workers, associates, bosses, etc., see right through this kind of behavior and tire of it quickly... and do what they need to do to change the situation. I still have hope for such change.

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Another great article, Adam.

I’m in agreement with many of the comments in this thread. For one, I believe he must be removed from the ballot. After the attempts to overturn the election by fake electors, members of congress and a violent insurrection, I’m afraid there WILL BE true attempts by the far right and MAGA to interfere with the election. They failed in 2020, but who’s to say they won’t be even more determined in 2024? I hate that we as a nation are faced with taking this extreme measure, but if this is not the time, when will it ever be? What even more egregious action in the future would finally be enough to remove someone from the ballot? I say we are already at that point and it must be done.

It really bothers me that every time I tune into to the news, I’m hearing how high Trump is in the polls. But I personally know of two Trump voters who now state he’s a nutcase. If I know of a couple of people, surely some of us on here know of a few as well. Shouldn’t that swing the pendulum in our favor?

I’ve made the decision that I will not reach out to family and friends anymore, because as someone else commented (Angela Sanders), “ ….you can't reason with unreasonable people. Unreasonable people often don't care, and their response can make you more upset.” I have to consider how the stress affects my health and resolve that the only thing I can do is vote. If a friend or family member desires to have a civil discussion or ask my opinion, I’ll be happy to point out the facts and refer them to people, such as Adam, Liz, and the multiple interviews by former Trump supporters.” That’s about all I can handle anymore.

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Same here. Only if my family members asked my opinion would I have a conversation about what I observe. My adult son and daughter (2 of 3) are for tfg. Not quite full blown magas but definitely not in Biden camp. We don’t talk about politics at all.

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Can relate.

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He will be convicted on multiple counts! Prison, weakness, ACCOUNTABILITY!!!

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Praying for this.

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The maga cult has been brainwashed just like Jim Jones and his “church”. I remember thinking how could 900 people knowingly drink poison kool aid. It was unfathomable to most of us. We also find it unbelievable that tfg’s followers still believe the BS he slings around daily. They’re going to need months of deprogramming when he loses.

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Trump had always been, and will continue to be, a blowhard and a loose cannon. I grew up in NJ and remember him from the 1970s. The thing that's hard to understand is how a huge majority of Republicans are either still solidly behind him, or are holding their nose, afraid to criticize him.

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Born and raised in NJ as well, remember it all too. To me, it was all a joke that he was running in 2016 and to our horror, he won.

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Great summary. My fears grow everyday as I keep reading about young people not voting for Biden. Adam thanks for your leadership.

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Thank you for the courage you have shown. One thing is clear to me is that Mr. Trump does not have this in his character.

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Trump has absolutely no quality that could be described as a positive aspect of character in any human being. The guy can’t even manage his own personal hygiene.

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Another great informative piece, Adam! Thank you! The problem is trump is only a genius at conning and marketing those cons. When vulnerable people are getting a steady diet of the same lies, they believe it to be truth. President Biden has done a great job at keeping his nose to the grindstone but now is the time to bring in professional marketers. They should simply bullet point President Biden's accomplishments vs. trump's. (You may not like all his policies but he does work for us, not himself!) For example:

*Days of work vs. trumps absence from the white house (golf trips).

*Days and lives lost from trumps denial of COVID vs. President Biden's immediate action/result.

*Where the economy was when trump left office vs. President Biden's current recovery.

Also, educate voters on a how a new president inherits what the last one left. They don't get a clean slate.

Most important: if President Biden had 4 more years WITH a majority Congress/Senate, he could get more done.

So could the team of President Kinzinger/Jamie Rankin with a moderate Congress/Senate 😁.

This is from a person who has studied marketing and has applied it to projects. "Keep it simple, stupid."

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But that approach, while it seems reasonable and worthy of analysis and reflection by non-magas (normal people), will never work on the brainwashed maga cult.

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Very true. It's the open-minded, young and uninterested voters that need to be reached. Also , bullet point facts are easier to use when you have the chance to try to convince the some -what committed magas.

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Yes that’s the target audience that may make the difference in the election.

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Why doesn’t the media call out all Congress members who were elected under those same “fraudulent” ballots as being illegitimately in office? Let’s see who changed their tune then?

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