The worst thing the Palestinians did was to give Hezbollah power. They are NOT helpful. That's putting it mildly. On the other hand, and I might be in trouble here, is, Bebe made it very plain what his plans were when he took power again. Two state solution was dead, dead, dead, and he needs more territory to build housing for Israelis and he's going to take it. IMHO, THAT is not helpful either. There are over 2 million Palestinians living in 140 square miles. As far as I'm concerned, no one in the Middle East has clean hands. It's terrible what has gone on over the years there, NOT just Israel and Palestine.

It's a sad thing and how do we fix it, can we fix it, should we try to fix it? Sigh.

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I agree with you. As a Jew I constantly feel threatened. Frankly the MAGA cult is scary. They want to eliminate all non-Christians.

I totally support a two state solution. The Palestinians deserve a homeland just as much as Jews. However this is a Middle East issue, not just Israel and Palestinians.

It doesn’t surprise me that Jr. is politicizing this. All they want to do is divide us. Remember one thing about Netanyahu and what is going on in Israel. What is happening there is prologue to what could happen here if trump is re-elected.

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As a Jew myself Israel is another great example why America’s founders believed so strongly in the separation of church and state. Netanyahu & Trump are two narcissists who will use any tool at their disposal to maintain power and focus. There is no greater emotional tool than religion. As a result of Nazism’s antisemitism, to call out Israel’s Fascism, authoritarianism, and Netanyahu’s corruption they play the religion card. They do to the Palestinians what was done to them in the ghettos of the past.

Americans are woefully unaware of how divided Israel is right now. In fact, I would not put it past Bibi to use the events of today to try to pull back into service the volunteers to the IDF who are refusing to serve after Netanyahu’s cabinet’s actions limiting the autonomy of their Supreme Court.

People also forget that Israel itself was created as a response of the Brits who controlled the area being constantly pummeled by Zionist terrorism and just wanting out. People forget that at that time the Jews & Palestinians lived together with little conflict. Jews & Palestinians are among the Semitic tribes of Old with more heritage in common than not. The Palestinians were promised their own homeland at the same time Israel was granted their autonomy.

But, as we see throughout history, those who wish to rule by power are prone to need an external enemy to other.

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The area is at a crossroads of civilization and has been fought over by various "tribes" over the millennia. The Jews were one of those "tribes" that (as described in the Bible) conquered and occupied that area for a couple of thousand years before being largely displaced by others. Considering the abuses committed against Jews who migrated to other parts of Europe and Asia, I sympathize with their returning to what they regard as their "homeland," and support American support for their "right to exist" there. But enough is enough, and I also disagree with the expansionism endorsed by conservative Jews and their conservative Christian supporters in the U.S. -- including Trump. The ultimate solution should be based on the principle of self-determination by today's inhabitants of various parts of the area -- the same as in Ukraine.

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That Trump felt the need to comment at all, and in such a negative way, is simply Donald Trump in action. His administration was a foreign policy absurdity. Having disagreements with an administration is one thing, and a healthy thing. Former presidents bleating garbage is quite another. When terrorists strike our allies, we do the right thing. We rightly help Ukraine ,and we will strongly defend Israel, against aggression. To do otherwise is un-American,

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Yes. I was born in the 80’s so maybe I was the last group that grew up with the nation that we bicker with each other but are on the same side when we go beyond our shores. Also, while the world is complex and diplomacy requires nuance, people that murder civilians are wrong.

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Please run for office

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Adam, Thank you for standing with us. Not an easy day. Spent our holiday in bomb sheltersin Jerusalem, hearing and feeling the rocket blasts. Many of the men in my community are being called up to the front line. Terrorists came into houses and kidnapped women, children, and elderly, taking them to Gaza and torturing them- for the "crime" of being Jewish and Israeli.

We need all of our friends around the world to take a stand.

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I would hope the US would continue to stand with victims of violence and oppression where ever they may be. There is enough cruelty happening in the Middle East to last 10 lifetimes.

I'm trying to figure out the Hamas end game. I know they fear Bibi and the far right who want all Palestinians wiped from the earth, never mind just the Middle East. So are these attacks revenge or were they really hoping to get the Palestinians living in Israel to rise up and join them? And if they did, then what? ( I wouldn't want to be a Palestinian in Israel right now.) I can't believe that Hamas thought that they actually could defeat Israel AND they must know Israel isn't going anywhere and if they though they thought they have been oppressed (I can't disagree) before, just wait, they have seen nothing yet and are only bringing further misery to their own people as they are bringing paid to Israel. It's a big wheel that won't stop, so this attack really doesn't make much sense from my prospective.

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Adam, I joined this app because of you. You speak truth to power. Keep writing!

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Thank you Adam for your words

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Sadly, I believe this is the political climate we are living with today. No pulling together as a nation, no voices of reason with Trump or the Trumplicans. It’s us vs them. We should be united as a country when we go beyond our borders. It’s the blame game and always going to be Bidens fault. It used to be where republicans and democrats can disagree on policy, legislate across the aisle and at the end of the day, we all want what we feel is the best for our country.

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Thanks for keeping us informed and sharing your perspective based on experiences that few of us have ever had. I hope you realize how much it is appreciated -- as well as how important it is in helping me (and others) understand current situations and events better. It sickens me that blame for today's events was cast out almost immediately.... but sadly, I should have guessed as much.

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Adam Kinzinger is right on this. 4.0 statement. I do not 100% agree with anyone on everything, none of us do. He is on target on this, and he usually is. He has the right heart and is an intelligent individual. And he listens to the people, not just himself.

As the saying goes, there is a storm brewing. We have to work together and deal with this now, before it gets worse. Kinzinger is a good choice to support in leading us through this storm.

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Well said, Congressman. Please, keep these coming.

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Sorry, I meant Hamas. I haven't found a way to edit.

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Wonderful article and thank you for your service to our country and our democracy!

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Well said. The world is one hot mess.

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"...like a giddy schoolgirl at the prom." 👏🤣

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& his love letters...

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Let’s not forget who signed the Doha Agreement with the Taliban. And the Iranian money has not even been touched yet, so no Biden isn’t to blame for this.

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