In the face of any danger he’s a coward; as most bullies are once they meet their match.

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This is why it's perhaps best that he didn't go to Nam after all. If he'd been a junior officer, he would have wanted to lead, of course. Send him to the frontlines, and he would have lead from way in the back, letting his men be the fodder for the Charlies. Reminds me of Frank from the sitcom, M*A*S*H. The epitome of true cowardice.

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Exactly what I was going to say!

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Adam, you can end the sentence with Trump failed to protect Americans. From Iran, from Covid, from January 6th, but mainly from himself. He is an abomination.

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He will never admit his failings. This is something he learned from Roy Cohen and Mr. Stone! He, with his bone spurs, is an embarrassment to our nation and must not be our leader! After the election, please get together with the decent Republicans and start a new party. Wipe the slate clean. I believe the other cannot be saved.

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I agree. Unfortunately the MAGAts have full control of the Republican brand and won't give it up for years to come. Please DO start a new RATIONAL party that's stands by the Constitution, mostly moderate with a small conservative (Reagan type, not MAGA type) slant. People are ready for it.

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Party of Reagan? lol

Iran hostages Reagan? Iran/Contra Reagan? Anti-environmental fossil fuel boosting Reagan? Nancy’s astrologer in the Oval Office Reagan? Star Wars™️ missile defense boondoggle Reagan? Foisting the disastrous Bush dynasty on the US Reagan? I could go on, but most of you get the point.

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Trickle Down Economics Reagan!

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Let's not forget Ronnie Raygun's Beirut bloodbath back in '83. Wouldn't allow the Marines to carry full magazines in their M-16s. That fully automatic weapon was about as useful as a baseball bat otherwise. As a result, the lives of over 200 Jarheads were lost that day. That man went to his grave with a lot of blood on his hands. I'm looking forward to reading Jack Carr's (Ret. ST6) newly released book, "Targeted: Beirut: The 1983 Marine Barracks Bombing and the Untold Origin Story of the War on Terror." So far, his book got a 4.5 out of 5 rating in the reviews.

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After all of the negative Reagan comments, I figure I should explain my position. I only brought up Reagan because more normal Republicans seem to like the guy and I wanted to suggest something they could rally around. I never voted for the guy.

One thing though, "Iran hostages Reagan"? The Iran hostages boondoggle happened on Jimmy Carter's watch. The hostages were freed after Reagan won the election and the Iranians realized they would have to deal with him after the inauguration.

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A lot of people seem to forget why the oil embargo happened and the host just being taken during Jimmy Carter‘s watch. Everyone seems to forget that during Eisenhower they over through one of the first elected presidents in the region because he wanted to nationalize their oil industry. The British motivated by (BP) ask Truman to overthrow Iran government. Then when Eisenhower came in, he agreed and okayed the overthrow of an elected government. When that became known in the region, they instigated the oil embargo. Just saying, the republicans always seem to side with the corrupt. I own the fact that I was an idiot republican back then. Not Any More.

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Not so fast, Wayne! See: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/expert-analyzes-new-account-of-gop-deal-that-used-iran-hostage-crisis-for-gain

The Iran hostage crisis consumed the last year of the Carter presidency, contributing to a perception of weakness. Saturday, a new allegation surfaced that Ronald Reagan's campaign worked to prevent the U.S. hostages from being freed before Election Day. Gary Sick, who was the Iran expert on President Carter’s National Security Council, joins John Yang to discuss.

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Interesting story. Perhaps true... perhaps not. As the story says, they could never find an actual smoking gun. And, yes, not returning the hostages before the election certainly helped Reagan. But in the end, without a smoking gun, it is only conjecture. :(

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It could be called the Party of Lincoln or the Party of Reagan.

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I would prefer Eisenhower over Reagan who was quite the racist and homophobe.

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The last truly GREAT Republican! I believe Adam is a Reagan (type) Republican or at least was (I hope no more)…I feel like that’s what inspired him to go into Conservative politics…I recall him saying that but please correct me if I’m wrong. Reagan is who led us into the wealth inequality and lack of middle class strength we now live in. A true Neoliberalist.

Of course others have continued and/or not none enough to stop it—Dems, I’m talking to you.

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How about we call it Independence? That way folks that are Independents can actually support a party that speaks to all Americans.

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Agreed 💯

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How about the Roosenhower Party. 🙂 😘

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Agree except the Reagan part. He's not as sqeaky clean as many believe. Iran Contra and the first trickle down that went to just the wealthiest and corporations. Reagan, when the middle class started to disappear.

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The Constitutional Party

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I am not entirely convinced that he is smart enough to know what his failings are. It’s just ones stupid thing after another stupid thing.

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I don't know if it's that he's smart enough, so much as he's INCAPABLE of admitting it. There is not one iota of guilt. As if he's completely unable to show feelings of empathy. It's quite the contrary; he's a very apathetic individual. And again, I repeat that he's publicly admitted he thrives on chaos. He loves watching people going at each other. After that speech he gave on 01/06/2021, he hightailed it back to the WH to watch what developed shortly afterwards on television. And watched it for hours. He has never been an asset to society. I've yet to forget he chose not to attend a debate back in 2016, choosing, instead to do a fund raiser for veterans. Which veteran's charity? IAVA? Wounded Warrior? Word was he kept all that money that was raised for himself. For his foundation. I'd like to know if that was true or false. Conspiracies are not in my wheelhouse. Only fact-based evidence.

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What do you expect from a draft dodging dimwitted coward who's only policy toward anything is to call names give some vague "I'll fix it on the first day" line of BS and then lie about it. He is clearly delusional and a Wack job and why people support him is such a mystery to me I can't even fathom it.

I get nervous when I read about this poll or that poll or how this group supports him. I truly don't know how I could accept or handle him winning. The day he is sworn in is the day America ceases to exist as we know it. Our enemies will rejoice.

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I’m confused as well

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Adam, do you feel she still has momentum?

She seems to be pulling in a lot of donations

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It’s nothing to be confused about. His supporters care only for their own sense of status and nothing for the health of society.

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Yeah, I HAVE to steer clear of those polls. I can't allow the numbers determine my "Mood du Jour." One day I'm fairly upbeat, the next day my anxiety and depression wants to rear it's ugly head. It's really, really scary. But as a result of avoiding the latest polls, I'm fairly upbeat that Kamala WILL indeed win the presidency. Beyond that will mean Trump once again put himself into reoccupying the WH by cheating. It's the ONLY way he can do that. He's a cheat and an utter failure!

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I don’t understand how anyone who has served or has family members that have served in the military can support this vile person!

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Neither can any sane person

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He leads a cult called MAGA. His supporters hear and believe only what he tells them.

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Believe me, I know. I’ve lost a sibling (Air Force special police) who does not care what this monster says or does. He’s been tRumpshit crazy for 9 years, but the final straw for me were the death threats I received for calling 1/6 a coup attempt. I blocked him everywhere online. He still had my home address and mailed me two via the USPS (a crime) , but I married a Swede and live here. So he used the Swedish postal service (also a crime). I have a restraining order in NY and I filed papers with the police in Sweden so his name is flag. Should he try to come here. But since he doesn’t have two nickels to rub together, that doesn’t seem to be a problem. He was on probation for that, but he went and got himself into trouble in the spring during Trump’s New York trial. He was one of several who pulled us swatting bit on a couple of people that were testified.

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I am so sorry, Kate. I am sure you are puzzled, as we are, trying to figure out what attracts people to him. It is, as someone recently opined, Weird.

I haven't had, yet, to go to the lengths you have, but my son thinks that orange bloated blowfish with the poisoned spikes walks on water, too.

I have had to have the PD remove him from my home due to him being so angry at me for not agreeing with him that President Biden was worse that TFG. He was drunk, and I was scared, and I refuse to live that way.

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My son also an orange man-baby supporter but not quite the extreme as yours. We’ve all agreed in our family to not talk politics at all. It’s the only way we can family gatherings.

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Wow iam so sorry you had to go through that

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I'm sorry for your circumstances. Hopefully things will improve.

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Families splitting over politics breaks my heart. I am so sorry for those who experience this bizarre circumstance. I lost a sibling to a car crash 38 years ago this week. He was too young to vote & was way more interested in Larry Bird! It would break my heart to be estranged & feel brother-less because of Reagan? My Dad now gone as well is always with me just like ‘A’ has been. These stories make it seem like their loved ones are without them. It’s horrifying.

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I have a brother two years younger than me who is a die-hard Trumper. Thankfully, it's never come to anything others have faced with their own family members. When we eat together and he eventually brings up HIS views, I say nothing. I just listen, although I do lose my appetite rather quickly. In his eyes, this piece of human waste can do no wrong. But I choose to stay quiet because what he has to say is not based on FACT. None of it. I know what I know, and that is what I go on. I'm very fortunate he's a very passive individual. Unlike our youngest sibling and I who were both in the Air Force, he never joined the military. But, I've never held that against him. That's been his business. I'm focused on a very positive outcome come election day.

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Fearmongering, hatemongering, and lying are all he does.

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His favorite pasttime

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That he does. My most pervasive thought with this guy is, how can someone have so much hate within that there's no room for any other emotion. How is that possible? There's a VERY powerful verb/noun I try to avoid using at all cost in my everyday conversations. HATE. It starts wars. It kills. And to hate without just cause is even going a step too far. I've replaced it with the word, "Despise" instead. Or just simply "dislike." Hate has to be the most destructive and intense word to ever use. Many MAGAs use the word to illustrate their feelings towards what's just and right. but never towards their Orange Idol. And, that's where it becomes all about cognitive dissonance. Go figure.

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Oct 1Liked by Adam Kinzinger

Donald Trump is not a leader period!!! It’s a shame that his supporters still try to defend his reckless behavior!!! I truly hope that the democrats will win the presidency and both houses!!! Win big like a landslide!!! I also hope that the billionaires and corporations will dismantle the republicans maga cult party and withhold contributions from a lot of their spineless no backbone senators and congressman and women who kissed the ring of Donald Trump. I hope when the dust settles the republicans will rebuild a true conservative Faith base party that knows how to serve all the people and not just a select few. Wake up America before it’s too late and we vote in a lunatic!!!

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I worry about any faith-based party, of any religion, in any nation. Theocracies are not conducive to personal freedoms.

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What would be good for the nation is a more Nelson Rockefeller kind of Republican Party where interference in personal choice is not the top priority.

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Oct 1Liked by Adam Kinzinger

Part of his psychopathy manifests in being incapable of admitting mistakes or lies.

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Trump was too busy focusing on his MAGA TRASH TREASON SCUM J6 Coup to give our troops (the "suckers and losers" as he described them) being attacked a nanosencond of his thoughts. There was ZERO in it for HIM and he acted like he always does.

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And I believe all the Trash treason Scum were only little boys hoping to play soldier. Well, they had had to grow up, didn't they! LOCK 'EM UP!!!!!

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So very very true Adam! I agree with you 💯 percent!The Orange 🍊 faced criminal clown 🤡 has way too many friends that are more than willing to destroy other countries that are trying to defend themselves-PUTTIE is one of them!He doesn’t care what happens to them!We need someone in the White House who does care about them and our own democracy!It’s bad enough to see TRUMPIE spreading lies about how our government isn’t helping the people that were devastated by the hurricane 🌀 down south!It’s ridiculous!

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Oct 1Liked by Adam Kinzinger

His go-to move is capitulation and graft. Who knows how much he may have profited from ordering the military bases abandon all their equipment in Sudan (I’m not checking so it may have been Syria) before he left office.

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It’s weird because the Republican supporters, and I know a few, never see the faults of their supposed leader. They write his issues off as inconsequential. For example, they feel that Harris is going to turn our country into a socialist country so they are terrified of the Democrats, and when I point out that these are the lies that you’re being fed by Republicans they denounce that and say no this is true. There’s a wall, a big wall that divides the parties with misinformation.It also appears that no one is interested in the truth except for the Democrats!

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The truth shall set us free! I hope!

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It is beyond obvious that trump intends to use our adversaries as his own private bank accounts and simply sell American policy out to the highest bidders. And there are MANY who would pay handsomely for his favors. He does not give a rats ass if he destabilizes the world, destroys democracy, or endangers American troops or the American homeland. He has no values other than his bottomless thirst for money, power and fawning admiration.

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But, Adam, didn’t you know Trump is the greatest President in American history? I mean he told us on television so it must be true! (Tongue firmly in cheek.)

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He makes Lincoln look like a school child!

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I'd take any 3rd grader over trump. Hell, I'd take Nixon.

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" Like you've never seen before!!!!""

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I can't wait to never hear his name again

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Good luck with that! We will have a multitude of court cases to be held and the repercussions decided (not gonna hold my breath). So hopefully he will be all over the media circus.

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One can indulge in magical thinking lol

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Trump cannot be allowed in government, in ANY position- too many serious problems to be resolved, in the world. The world counts on us. Dear God, Trump can not win!

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