Thank you for sacrificing your job, to do the right thing! Character still matters( even if 49% of our Country, does’t care.) It’s an awful place we are. I can tell you, as a Boomer, I NEVER thought I would see my government, so teetering on an edge of destruction. Bless you, and yours, for all you do- now and in the future.

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Thank you, Beverly, for saying the things my husband and I feel.

Adam, we truly appreciate what you sacrificed to fight for democracy and both parties. We do pray that one day this tilting ship will right, and you and the Dems can get back to legitimately negotiating for those issues that are important to our country.

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Boomer here as well just shaking my head at every turn. Completely unbelievable how far we’ve rolled downhill in the last 40 or so years.

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Until the internet- it seemed everyone had the same access to the same information- the true of what’s going on. Now— separate stations for separate sects, believing what they are told. Civility, Morality, so low. Churches, promoting bigotry. The uninformed, deciding the fate of us all🙈So much hatred and anger. Greed is our downfall .

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Me neither, Beverly.

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YES! Character matters!

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Wonderfully said Beverly!! 👏🏻

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I’m another Boomer, weighing in to say I never believed we would be in this place. But, to borrow a phrase from Kamala, my values haven’t changed: Treat others with dignity and respect. Help those who are struggling. Work for the greater good, not personal profit. Find moments of joy, respite and recovery. We are in this together, and I still believe that the power of goodness is the strongest power on earth.

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Happy New Year and thank you for your leadership.

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You make me optimistic about the future of America Adam, keep it rolling.

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HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU AND THANK YOU FOR BEING AN HONEST MAN! I was hoping there would be more Republican like you this past year, but my hope still stands! 🎄🕎🙏🇺🇸🎆

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Wishing you and your family a wonderful New Year!

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You are DEFINITELY not alone in the quest for democracy, decency & freedom! Looking forward to your ideas in 2025 & also your documentary.

Happy New Year fellow substackers!

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May I offer none of what we do here is as much about the writing as it is about this place where each is heard, validated and not subjected to the hate and fury that is everywhere else. We are touchstones for each other, and the voices shared by those amongst us who host their individual platforms are our truth sayers. All of us are at this point in time clearly victims of perpetual long standing abuse and gaslighting from which there is no escape. Dare I say we have been traumatized. Thank all that is good we have found each other, and have access to the truth sayers, such as is yourself, Adam.

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Such a touching post, Raissa. I too, find a calm here in this Substack where respecting each other’s opinions and perspectives are celebrated. I know this community has grown quickly and in large numbers but there is solace knowing there are so many like minded individuals of good will who want the sane, decent and thoughtful things of this country to continue.

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Agree! I remember my thoughts as we reeled under the absence of leadership during Trump's first term was to remember history has shown the tide can turn in a crisis thru the focused hard work, self-sacrifice and steely courage of one hero. In retrospect we can look back and see a hero's work was pivotal in landing a win. One unsung hero whom without fanfare or much notice has throughout history steered destiny away from disaster. I looked and looked for whom that hero might be and believed the unsung hero of our time would be revealed. Today, I am seeing most clearly that it is us. We are the miracle that will steer destiny away from ruin. It is us! It is here! We represent the "together we can achieve anything" Biden so often referred to in his speeches. Stay calm, Keep the faith. Keep working.

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Very well said Raissa. My ptsd of the last 10 years has been something to behold. Substack has made it bearable. Life-saving even at times.

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Me too! The circumstances that caused my personal case of it had been dealt with and I was okay until Trump was chosen as President in 2016. My PTSD was immediately triggered. I felt like I was being choked and restrained with no back door. Trump was above me and all he did would affect me, but I cannot fly and there is nowhere to run. So, I told myself, “Okay. I can do this. It’s four years. I’ll just never listen to his voice.” Then I threw myself into supporting candidates across the country and Biden/Harris to push Trump out. I found Biden’s term not only productive despite the relentless obstruction but a period of healing. We desperately needed to heal. Now it is back but in a different way. I am resigned and ready. I accept all will be lost and retain a sense that despite it I will survive, we will survive but it will be bloody hell.

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Yes it will be. It is going to be pure hell. For awhile at least. I did shut off my cable news finally. I couldn't take it anymore. Not for the damn money I was paying Xfinity. Just for one channel that they owned. Made me so angry every year when I'd argue with them about my Bill. Lol And you know what while at times I miss it (mostly in the mornings) I have a lot more peace plus love having that extra $80 a month. Just listen to a lot more music. Wireless ear buds are my new8 best friends. I'm like you. Had a bad case of ptsd for 20 plus years finally under control and then came Trump - Rapist in Chief. We just have to remember he will be gone one day. He's a monster and monsters never survive. We've got this GF.

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The music is a good idea. I love listening while driving. I also have a spot that I go to locally off a small beach where ocean meets bay. Powerful waves lots of changing scenes one visit to the next. Last summer I spied two seals playing and likely hunting close to shore. The water is very alive and dangerous if one were to try to swim in it; but to the left is a beach with bay water and to the right is another stretch of the beach on the ocean. I've have spent so much of my free time there on the beach or walking or as it gets colder enjoying the beauty all around me from my car. It really is good having a brief connection with someone who has a similar history. Another observation I made from the start was sadly witnessing everyone with no exceptions being traumatized anew. Today, in my view there is not a man or beast around the globe who could not be diagnosed easily with PTSD from the past 10 years. I feel for the children. It is a crime what has been done to them. I pray for their resilience. All we can do is let them know they are loved. Children are so responsive to kindness and love -- a smile and seeing them as persons to be counted and heard and celebrated. Take care! Here we go!!

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Thanks Raissa!! You do the same. It's been so nice chatting. The Beaches sound so lovely. I love the Beach. I'm a little Landlocked over here in Red Indiana. 🤣 Happy New Year!! 🎉

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Yes , I also have had to admit that I have suffered a type of PTSD from this person.

I didn't always agree with Reagan didn't always agree Bush 41, I didn't always agree with Bill Clinton either...But none of them made me feel ill I'm old enough to remember Nixon, I wasn't fond of him although he did accomplish some positive things, but again, even during Watergate, it was nasty but I never felt threatened.This man has triggered a panic thing in me. He reminds me of bullies that i encountered in school Anyway what gives me hope is that I think that a new kind of centrist alliance is about to form ...Still in the process of forming, made up of classic old style republicans and centrist Democrats.. Tom Suazzi the (D) NY Congressman who won in a Red district on Long island wrote a meaningful essay in the NYT today " How to Approach Trump" worth reading. He recognizes that there are legitimate grievances from the other side that do need to be dealt with.

The immigration system needs to be fixed, the border crisis must be dealt with cost of living is too high , there is a housing shortage and people are sick of political gridlock. A new movement needs to be born based not only on what we are against but what we are for. Either that takes the form of a re-branded Democratic Party or a Coaltion is not clear. It's quite possible the democratic party may need a new name that includes responsible republicans of the Ford Eisenhower Reagan style....Perhaps the something like the "Freedom Democratic Party"...That's something Adam, and Simon Rosenberg, and the Lincoln Project people may and other Substackers need to meet and discuss and figure out. The world has changed

the country has changed We need to adjust to those changes and learn how to speak to these angry Americans who voted against democracy . We need to recognize that part of the problem is that democracy has not been working well because everyone has figured out how to game the system So when the next campaign comes along in two years we need to figure out how to speak directly to those people. and make them see that they have been played by a carnival barker.

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Thank you for validating my feelings by sharing your experience. It is not healthy and angers me we are being treated so brutally. Tim hosted a podcast where the guest defined our collective experience as being abusive. Your reference to gaming the system is a valid observation. It's like the Wild West! I remember legislation of some sort identifying corporations as having the rights of citizens. Does anyone else recall it? I think it went thru. I am not sure if it was state-by-state or across the nation. In any event we have been subjected to a power grab by corporations and oligarchs. Corporate owned hospitals here in Boston for example have extracted "healing" as a mission replaced by "profit" as a mission. In each and every case in which famous well-regarded hospitals have been taken over by corporations the leaders once medically trained have been replaced by corporate types with no medical training. To simplify, the root of our demise is the influence and power of corporations and oligarchs in swaying election outcomes. I agree The Electorate College should be removed. That would increase our influence. Isn't there legislature pending to remove the ability of elected officials to enrich themselves thru investments. I know that is not an accurate description but look at them! They are all wealthy. Their medical plans are the best. They leave office with wealth that catapults them into at least the top 2% would be my guess. And they are owned by oligarchs and corporations. I think there is where the poison grows. Another failing is our priorities are skewed. Scandinavian countries prioritize the people, families and the children. They care for their elderly to the point retirement and stopping work is a given. You are free to retire and keep living. Today in fact we all do not know if we will be able to live if we stop working and retire. We look to see how many years our pithy savings will allow us to live. I predict suicide will be the option taken by so many of us. And eventually a suicide kit may be sent to our homes as are COVID testing kits freely sent to us today. Who can retire? Very few. That's ridiculous. To sum it up we need to be a nation where our priorities are clear and enact policies in line with our priorities. If anything crosses the line and weakens our priorities, then laws should follow to guard against it. If we prioritize our children only genuine and effective education policies will be tolerated. If we prioritize our children gun safety laws will be enacted versus a growing tolerance to having our babies gunned down their bodies and flesh torn to the point of them being unrecognizable to their grieving parents. Priorities dictate Policy and Policy if adhered to and honored by both all sides shore up and strengthen society. It grieves me we have missed the mark on all of these points. The damage that has been done and the fallout to come is a crime. In my work I have observed with great sadness our teens and young adults cannot sign a document other than in print. And they cannot read cursive either. I think of all the older antique documents and letters that will be discovered perhaps only to not be read and treated as mysterious. Perhaps farmed out to a Scandinavian country where their children can read and write in cursive as well as at least two additional languages other than their own.

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I’m so sorry to hear that first of all, you suffer from PTSD but also that it has been triggered again. Please know there are those you don’t even know that care about you. Thank you for finding the strength to support candidates we all can believe in. Praying you have support and healing you deserve.

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well said

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Wishing you and your family a wonderful 2025!

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Happy New Year to you, your family and our compatriots! We must hang together till mid terms and beyond!! Thank you for staying the course!!

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Happy New Year! Let's get our America back!

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Adam and Family - Have a wonderful 2025! I admire your courage and clear thinking. I agree in all ways with everything you do and say! I know I'm not alone in hoping that you'll someday run for President. By that time -- whether it's in 2028 or sometime next decade -- MAGA will have been consigned to obscurity and the country will be yearning for competence and ethics in our government. May God watch over you and your family now and forevermore.

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Have a wonderful NYE and we are here for it in 2025!💪

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Happy new year to you and your family!

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So many of us are grateful to you for your strength and integrity and sincerely hope you will choose to run for office again one day. May 2025 bring you and your family many blessings.

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Happy New Year, Adam! I look forward to seeing these new interviews you've been talking about! And sure, 2024 didn't exactly end the way we wanted it to, (we had wanted Kamala Harris to win), but I'm still hopeful that 2025 will be a good year. Challenging, yes, but a good year, I hope.

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Happy New Year Congressman!!

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