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One of our greatest challenges entails finding effective ways to get our information out to the very voters who are putting 45* back in office. The volume of dissinformation flooding their airwaves/screens from Musk, Murdoch, and their ilk seriously complicates bringing the truth to their attention. If we can't figure out that part, we'll back to another wash, rinse, repeat.

Musk in particular alarms the bejeebers out of me. The man is bonkers.

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Me too. Trump and his followers deal in lies. I must find a way to bring back truth.

What saddens me most is the way our fellow citizens were so easily misled

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Were his supporters misled, or did they hear exactly what the wanted to hear and bought in? Some of his actions and statements were so absurd that believing them to be truths would require the mind of a four year old. Oh wait!

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I think that they allowed themselves be misled. As evidenced by most of them saying "That's just the way he talks. He won't actually do that" or "I don't think it will be that bad" when they are questioned about his more absurd actions, positions and statements.

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Only the possible pain he creates will cause them to question their support for him and start to seek truth.

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Good point. However as trump implemets his mass deportations, his tariffs, his elimination of the Department of Education, and all of his other maga agendas, the truth will become painfully self evident to even his supporters. No amount of misinformation from any source will be able to dispute the reality (truth) that Americans will feel. To quote Jesus per John 8:32 "And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." We are soon to be engulfed in darkness, but we must remember that there is a "light at the end of the tunnel", or as Kamala said (paraphrasing) 'in the darkest of night look up and you will see a million shining stars. Never stop reaching for the stars'. I truly believe that the truth will, in fact, become self-evident and set us free from trumpism.

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Except that right-wing outlets tend not to report these events at all. Instead of disinformation in such cases, their audiences get crickets.

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True. But the pain they experience in their daily lives as a result of his policies will result in them questioning why they get crickets from their information sources instead of any coverage that explains their pain.

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Well, if history serves - the Repubs tend to find a way to blame everything bad on a Dem policy, and take credit for anything good for which only Dems are responsible. For example, Trump took credit for the Obama economy which carried over to his first term. Now he will take credit for any benefit from Biden's economic policies. I hope that all of this in out in the open, in a way that the average American can understand, before mid-terms.

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And those misinformation sources (Fox, Newsmax, Truth Social, X, et al) will see a rapid decline in followers and will have to either reform or be relegated to the trash heap of history.

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Richard I so hope your evaluation is correct. His supportive media, both cable and X will spin everything to his advantage, and truth does not even enter into it, There has to be a counter communication method. We did not and do not have it in place.

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I've been wrong before and it could happen again. As for a counter communication method,

I'm not sure his supporters would even take a look at it. That's not to say that it isn't worth a try. I still think that trump's worst enemy is himself. If he creates enough misery for the general population, his supporters will abandon him and look for candidates who will actually try to address their concerns.

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And when prices go up in the grocery store because all the field hands got deported, Faux, et al will blame it on the weather, which they’re already saying the Dems control - and will cover their a$$es about climate change disasters, too.

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